Mrs. Wooderson (Librarian): Ring Around the Rosie, nursery rhymes
Mrs. B (Librarian): Particle Man by They Might Be Giants
Mrs. Odom (Mathematics Teacher): Beat It by Michael Jackson
Me: Old cartoon theme songs, including: Samurai Jack, Spongebob Squarepants, Courage the Cowardly Dog, Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends, and more.

Q2: Who is your favorite singer or group or song?
Mrs. Wooderson: Larry Norman, Billy Joel
Mrs. B: Iron and Wine, because they are relaxing to listen to after a stressful day. I get stressed easily, and they help me wind down.
Mrs. Odom: Train
Me: I don't have a favorite artist, honestly. I suppose I have a favorite artist to listen to during certain mood types, but even then there are multiple to choose from.

Q3: Which music or artist do you really dislike or refuse to listen to?
Mrs. Wooderson: Barry Manilow
Mrs. B: Rap, although some is tolerable.
Mrs. Odom: Vulgar rap, some Eminem is fine, though.
Me: I just can't listen to country at all. I'm not sure what it is, but I just hate it.
I don't why it surprises me Ms. Wooderson dislikes Barry Manilow, but it does...You are not alone in your aversion to country music--several of your classmates mentioned feeling the same way.