Monday, August 18, 2014

I am... Collin Tinen

I am
A son, older brother, born and raised in Springfield.
A teenager, growing up, taking on responsibility, and learning to be on my own.
A college-bound student, hungering for more knowledge and a stable future.
A brother, caring, watching, and a role model.
An owner of a black lab and beagle mix, loving, fun, and always there for me.
Lazy, a procrastinator, and just like every other high school kid (in that respect).
A love for technology and mathematics.
A child of a divorce.
A worker, holding a job at Price Cutter as a bagger.
I am
        Soda, ramen, tea, cookies, an onion hater, and unhealthy.
            Listening to music, playing video games, watching Netflix, and with my friends.
            Relaxed, calm, and not stressed.
            Napping in my bed, warm and cozy.
            Several game consoles that hold some of my fondest memories.

I am
        Skinny, tall, pale, and blonde with green eyes.
            Jeans, pocket t-shirts, button ups, sneakers, and hoodies.
            Starting to feel like an adult.
            Wanting to travel, at least out of Missouri.
            Still young, and have plenty of time left to do whatever I want.
            Content with my current situation.


  1. Like you, I consider myself calm, relaxed and not stressed. I wish I could find more of a sense of contentment like you have though. I worked at a grocery store in college and it's still one of my favorite jobs I've ever had. I'll watch for you at Price Cutter! My husband is always looking for smart, versatile network techs to work for him--let me know if you think that would be something you are interested in or ready for. Thanks, Collin!

  2. Nice poem :] I have to say that I myself am a procrastinator, and that I love ramen. Also, I agree with the majority of your second section. :3

  3. I also have divorced parents, nap all the time, and watch Netflix all the time!
